Stand Up Live

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Comedy and cocktails are classic combination. Depending on the night's talent, sometimes you want a drink and sometimes you need a drink. But considering the host of big names at CityScape's Stand Up Live, you'll probably go with the former. Owned by next door live music purveyors Copper Blues, Stand Up Live takes a cue from its boozier neighbors with a long list of drink options including beer, wine and liquor in a cool, dark, theatre setting. Don't expect to see the bar for yourself, though. Friendly, whispering servers come to each of the venue's tables and quietly take orders, as not to accidentally heckle the comedians on stage. Then, they head to a back room where drinks are mixed and classily brought out on serving trays. Quick service and quality selection make Stand Up Live an easy venue to reach the two drink minimum

50 W. Jefferson St.
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Event Date: 
Sunday, July 3, 2016 - 1:00pm

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