Metro Internet Marketing, Here to Help You Grow

You are here to market your art. I am here to help. Internet marketing can be very confusing and has a lot of moving parts. Website, social media, backlinks, content it's all part of making your online presence grow. It's all part of making Google sit up an take notice.
There is more, of course. Do not be discouraged. Just start.
Purple Haze family is a great way to start. Add your content here and share it with other family members as well as with people who are not yet members. Google is already ranking this website as a platform for underground and indie artists. So when you add your stuff here Google will know. They will begin to pay attention.
If you have questions, please reach out to me here. Visit my website: You will find a lot of useful information there as well. We are all in this together. Let's help each other. What is family for anyway?